Caroline Rose: Unpruned at Thalia Hall

Photos by Josh Druding

There’s a King Of The Hill episode wherein Bobby becomes interested in entering a rose growing competition. And, through the wisdom of two head shop owners, embraces the Zen Buddhist philosophy of ‘wabi-sabi’. Which, in a digestible-white-western way, is the acceptance of life being inherently imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete. Which is what makes it so wonderful. Bobby then channels into the primping and pruning of his roses, ultimately losing said competition while gaining a whole new perspective on life. (Sorry, this is how my brain makes connections.)

Caroline Rose is the embodiment of wabi-sabi.

A sold out Thalia Hall is introduced to the top half of Rose, shrouded in a hard circle of light. They gently pluck and sweetly swell with “Love/Lover/Friend”, the first track off The Art of Forgetting (which is played in its entirety.) The melody is constantly adding layers, expanding to its edges. Suffocating all other noise, strength testing the spotlight.

The stage setting puts Caroline in the center of five mesh panels, each illuminated in a different color. Their backing band silhouetted on each board, their shadows stretching and reflecting a fractured piece of Rose.


This is an important announcement regarding this BAND Magazine review.

During a portion of the performance, our writer’s concentration was broken by some six foot tall dildo finding issue with the brightness of the ADA compliant lights on the Thalia Hall balcony steps. Then proceeded to sit in the middle of said steps to block said light and transition from annoyance to fire hazard. It is important to note that this individual had a GA ticket and could’ve gone literally anywhere else in the theater but instead chose to maintain his reputation as a complete and total knob.

We now rejoin the Caroline Rose review, already in progress.

Rose’s performance of “Everywhere I Go I Bring The Rain” is wistful, blistering and beautiful. It also ended with the world's first slow motion crowd surf from the back of the theater. Commemorative shirts were sold in the lobby (they weren’t but it’s a fun idea, right?)

Caroline is someone who is constantly changing as a person and as a songwriter. Embracing each new identity with openness and honesty. “Tell Me What You Want” is the perfect blend of where Rose has been and where they are going to go (although who really knows where that is.)

“Where Do I Go From Here” is a sobering closure to the night. A blunt conversation between Caroline and Caroline. Cathartically and publicly cutting into themselves. Allowing the blood to run. Feeling the warmth as the red pools drain. Forming roads that split only to connect again. Destroying and reforming at the same time. Accepting this pain will never go away, so you make it a permanent part of yourself. All the while Rose is calmly repeating to themself: “Come on now, babe, take all this pain/And learn to love yourself again.”

Rose is currently touring their new album The Art of Forgetting. For dates and ticket information, click here.

As a closer, we’d like to make a special mention of the show’s opener, Kiaros Creature Club. The best way to describe their sound is if Tame Impala and Unknown Mortal Orchestra grew an anime club in a lab and sent them to live in the 60s and fuck you if that doesn’t sound rad as hell. Go see them, nerds. 


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