Sacred Rose Day Three Recap & Photos: Mother Nature Headlines With Support From Dawes, Maggie Rose & Blu DeTiger
Photos by Josh Druding
Sacred Rose pulls the plug, coming to an early close on day three. Although most of the buzz from Sunday was centered around the weather delays, schedule changes and stage closures, Sacred Rose still showcased some of its most solid acts on a third day wrought with challenges.
As the winds began to howl, Maggie Rose began to wail. The band, seemingly plucked from a Cameron Crowe film, garnered some well deserved attention from festival goers. Drawing in the taco filled, tie-dyed masses. Not sure where this sound has been but Maggie Rose brought it back.
Blu DeTiger brought some hot, gen z groove to the Vega Stage, rousing a lethargic, weather worn crowd to their feet with one of the best sets at the fest. Blu answers the question: what if being ‘left on read’ had a funky bassline?
Dawes wins the prize for the biggest impact in the shortest amount of time. After a pushed back set, two songs and then a swift retreat due to lightning in the area. Like all of us, mother nature is a Dawes fan.
The first year for the fest went from relaxation to an alien invasion that ended in total annihilation. They went through hell to put on a show and we all got out dry and lightning free. RIP to the Laser Dome. What lies behind your puffed, white hull will forever be a mystery to BAND Magazine.
Check out our photographer Josh Druding’s photo gallery for more of the day's highlights featuring Maggie Rose, Dawes and Blu DeTiger.